Vosita FAQ: Everything Doctors Need to Know
Vosita FAQ: Everything Doctors Need to Know

If you’re a practicing doctor looking for a solution to boost your online visibility, you’ve come to the right place. We know you probably have a few questions, so we’re here to clear things up. From why our services are free to how we help patients find you, here are the top five questions we often get.

Why Are Vosita’s Services Free?

At Vosita, our mission is to enhance healthcare coordination and simplify the appointment scheduling process by offering flexible, convenient ways for patients to search and book appointments. Offering our services for free is a strategic decision based on several key factors:

Gaining Market Share

We aim to gain significant market share by making our platform accessible to all healthcare providers, regardless of their size or budget. By offering our services at no cost, we remove financial barriers that might prevent practices from adopting advanced referral technology. This allows us to build a broad user base quickly and demonstrate the value of our platform to a wide audience.

✓ Proof of Concept

Providing our services for free enables us to showcase the effectiveness and benefits of our platform. Healthcare providers can see firsthand how Vosita can enhance their practice management and patient engagement.

✓ Building Trust and Relationships

By offering a free service, we can establish trust and build strong relationships with healthcare providers. We want our users to feel confident in the quality and reliability of our platform.

What Kind of Support and Training Does Vosita Offer to Doctors and Their Staff?

The Vosita team understands the importance of comprehensive support and training for healthcare providers. Here’s what we offer:

✓ Onboarding Assistance

Our team provides personalized help during the initial setup and integration process to get you started with ease. Vosita support ensures a smooth transition to our platform.

✓ Training Sessions

We conduct interactive training sessions tailored to the needs of your practice, covering all features and functionalities of the platform. Vosita training is designed to help you make the most of our technology.

✓ Customer Support

You’ll have access to ongoing support through various channels, including phone and email, to address any questions or issues promptly.

✓ Resource Library

We offer user guides, FAQs, and video tutorials to help you and your staff maximize the potential of our platform.

What Systems Do You Currently Integrate With?

Currently, Vosita offers integration with a select number of systems to streamline your appointment process and enhance workflow efficiency. Our existing integrations include:


These integrations ensure that patient information is accurately and securely transferred, making the process smooth and hassle-free for your practice.

Future Integrations

We understand the importance of broad compatibility and are continuously working to expand our integrations. In the near future, we plan to integrate with additional systems, including:

    • AthenaOne

How Do Patients Find Me on Vosita?

Patients can find Vosita through various channels, enhancing our reach and accessibility:

✓ Online Search

Patients searching for healthcare providers online may come across Vosita’s network through search engines and our website. Our optimized online presence helps patients easily find and book appointments with providers in their area.

✓ Healthcare Networks and Partnerships

We partner with various healthcare networks and organizations, increasing our visibility and accessibility for patients seeking care. These partnerships enhance our reach and ensure patients can find specialized care within trusted networks.

✓ Word of Mouth

Satisfied patients often share their positive experiences with friends and family, spreading the word about Vosita. Word of mouth remains a powerful way for new patients to learn about our platform and the benefits it offers.

✓ Social Media and Online Advertising

We leverage ads on social media platforms and streaming services like Hulu to reach a wider audience. These targeted ads help inform potential patients about Vosita and the ease of finding and booking healthcare providers through our platform.

✓ Returning Users

Patients who have previously used Vosita often return to book appointments with other providers in different specialties. Their positive experiences with our platform encourage them to continue using Vosita for all their healthcare needs.

What Happens After the Promotional Period?

Vosita’s goal is to ensure long-term value and satisfaction for our users, and all features are free until October 2024. After the promotional period ends, we will continue to offer the core functionalities of our platform for free. This means you can still create in-person availability, offer flexible booking options, and benefit from patient appointment reminder emails.

For providers or practices interested in using the additional premium features after the promotional period ends, we offer optional subscription plans starting at $49 per month per provider. Premium features include:

    • Telemedicine: Conduct virtual consultations seamlessly.
    • Appointment Reminders: Send reminders via SMS or phone to reduce no-shows and improve patient engagement.

For a detailed overview of what is included in the premium plans and to see how it can benefit your practice, please click on Vosita Pricing

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