Are the 2020 elections stressing you out? You are not alone—the majority of the American public is on the edge of their seats worrying over the slow dragged-out results. Election Stress Disorder is a real thing: a study conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA) said that 52 percent of Americans expressed that election “is a very or somewhat significant” source of stress in their lives.
With the Covid-19 pandemic still looming over us, the 2020 elections are just a cherry on top of our list of worries. It is more important than ever to not let election stress take over our mental health.
Here are some tips to cope with election anxiety:
1: Be positive:
Do not let election paranoia fill you up with negative thoughts. Try to remember positive memories, meditate, and think happy thoughts!
2: Surround yourself with like-minded people:
Try to be around people who share the same opinions as you so you can have their support while watching and finding out the election 2020 results. Try to stay away from people who do not share the same opinion as you, people that impose their political opinions on you, people that brag about who they voted for, or people that try to put you down for your opinions.
3: Limit your election coverage
Try to limit yourself from watching a lot of TV; watch enough to be informed, but when it starts stressing you out, go out for a light walk to ease your stress, or do something else—just do not stay glued to the screen. You might want to avoid public places that are filled with election debates, coverage, and opinionated people.
4: Channel your energy towards something productive
If the elections are giving you restless anticipation, try to channel that energy towards something productive. Maybe you can turn something negative into a positive and stop procrastinating?
5: Be careful with social media
Social media can be a very cruel place. Try to avoid overly political platforms and discussions, and use social media as a distraction tool rather than getting involved with political debates and social media trolls.
6: Hope for the best, prepare for the worst
If you have voted then you have done your part, it is time to accept that there is nothing more you can do other than wait patiently and calmly. Prepare yourself for worst-case scenarios and remember that whatever happens, your mental health should come first.
If things get worse, Vosita is just one tap away to help you find the best mental health professionals near you.